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Pre-Renovation Thoughts

Renovation is going to start on the 12th August 2009.

In a week's time, all the previous owner's memories will be demolished and my house will slowly turn into my home.

In order to squeeze the most out from our strict budget, we decided to get an contractor instead of an interior designer. Of course, we will have to put in extra EXTRA more effort. This would mean that we had to spend or burn our weekends googling online for ideas or sitting at different bookstores till late night to check out the newest trends This would also mean to go to 10 different tiles shop to just find one type of tile which we like and in the end realise that it might not suit the layout of our house and have to go through the process again.
Our initial planning was that we had wanted the whole apartment to look simple and neat. Clean neat simple lines ARE NOT THAT SIMPLE to achieve. The concealing works, the shifting of points, the choosing of material and the matching of colour tones and the most expensive part is to build enough storage to keep everything out of sight. SIMPLE AIN'T THAT SIMPLE. If I do get another chance to renovate another house, i will choose the industrial look.. Everything can lay exposed and still look awesome. Hahaha..
Also, there are alot of initial ideas which have to abandon because they are just not worth the extra effort.
We are not changing the direction of the common toilet's entrance anymore. Just to change the door entrance would mean shifting all the water pipes, hack the doorway, then make good on the surface and then tile the external wall with tiles. That would mean, alot of extra work and it will look weird. Never mind.. we can change our living habits and walk alittle longer.
We cannot find a place to put a full height shoe cabinent because of our floor space. We do not want the cabinent to be too close to our dining table for hygiene reasons. So we choose a smaller one to put ivan's shoes and my shoes will remain IN THE STOREROOM AGAIN. The contractor said he will throw in free shelvings for us in the storeroom. WHY IS IT THAT MY SHOES ALWAYS HAVE TO HIDE IN THE STOREROOM?
We also decide not to have a walk in wardrobe anymore it doesn't make much sense to hack down a wall and then build a smaller room to hold the wardrobe and then to realise that the wardrobe would be smaller than the normal 6ft ones.. So we are going to turn one room into a full wardrobe with a table for us to do some work on. This way, we do not need to hack any walls. We might need to walk slightly further to take our clothes but after weighing all the pros and cons, we think its better cos NOW MY WARDROBE WOULD BE 3 TIMES BIGGER.. I AM GOING TO BE MAD... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA IDIOT
Ok enough of ranting because I realised this is getting too long. God knows how would i feel when i am reading this post 5 years down the road.. Hey, have you regret?

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