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It amazes me why I always get myself into circumstances where I get to meet utterly unreasonable people.

I was stopping for red light to turn green on Mandai Road when suddenly I felt a bang and.. be really honest, i thought something in the car exploded. I looked at the rear mirror and saw that a long hair person was leaning onto the steering wheel. I tot she fainted.. Then when I got down the car and check if everything is ok, i saw that she had leaned over and pick up a mobile phone from the floor and continue to talk and keep signalling what is wrong.. like entirely i was at fault.
The moment she got down the car, she start to scream.. CLAIM INSURANCE LAH. WHAT U WANT?

Duhz.. Erm.. I expected a sorry and I am really alright to let everything go as its really a small scratch. But this really awful lady behaved like who shouted louder will win the case. I had met alot of utterly impossible people. I nearly faint from anger. But this time I told myself not to let my anger affect my mind and disrupt my own judgement.

You might think that she would be someone who has been tyically branded as ah lian right? My insurance agent and the workshop man immediately ask me is she an ah lian? NO. She is those typical lady who drives a pretty nice car with I think a comfortable salary and at least a tertiary education. The typical singaporean woman.

She keep screaming what I want. Double duhz.. Scream will make u a better person? Scream will erase all the mistakes that you make? Or by screaming you make urself believe you are right and the other party is wrong?

It was after my dad and brother arrived when she turn to a better tone. I think it is the case where she initially think she can scream louder than me so she will win but when there are more people, she becomes timid. She asked me can we settle it by paying me $100. Triple Duhz...

I told her in the end should she had apologised to me sincerely, I would really just let it go. She disgrace us women and definately throwing us women driver into a worse light.

I am not praising that I am alrighty mighty and I am a saint but at least if I were that lady, I would had sincerely said that I am sorry and check if the other party was alright.

Today, the agent had told me that the lady might report that I reversed back and bang into her. I just told the guy if that happens, I still believe that there are justice. If the insurance rules that I am at fault. I can pay, no problem. It just makes me wonder.. what kind of society do we singapore have? Are we really what other people said that we are? First World Economy, Third world society?

We do not need to beautify this country so much anymore. We should start from the soul.

National Day is around the corner. Is this the way we should turn out to be?

colour my world/ 10:40 PM/ 0 comments