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Assume and Presume

This is an excellent case of Assume and Presume..

This afternoon when i tried to log onto the UOB website with my mobile, i was still thinking what went wrong with UOB's website again. How come the pin never come through? Then I remembered that there was once where my sms inbox was full so the pin cannot come through. So i start to delete a few msgs. Suddenly my mobile start to beep non-stop. I had 20 unread msgs.

Side-track abit. I had been wondering for the past few days why my pals nv contact me when I still texted Kel about her poor boo boo. I even have thoughts that her leg was really bad till she coma-ed the whole day through. So this morning, I still ask her OEI WHY U NV REPLY ME? Yet she nv reply me why she nv reply so I still dunno what really happen ah. I was still assuming why nobody loves me anymore. Never text me or anything. Even my own husband nv text me at all. To be really honest, deep down inside, i felt abit unwanted.. Hahaha

Till I read my inbox, then I started to panic.. Omg, my MIA actions accidentally caused my friend to think that I was pissed with her for so many days. I really didn't know that my mail box was full ah... All my msgs nv came through. My poor friend must be thinking what is wrong with me. I felt very apologetic when I read her msg. I must have made you feel very upset for so many days le especially after what you told me this morning, right? SORRY!!!!

My dear friend, there was nothing wrong ah between us. Dun worry, i am not someone who can keep my feelings to myself. Besides, I was the one who insisted to tag along and not you forcing me to go. And I definately do not think you have any other motives for me to go. Just happened that on friday, all my msgs stop coming through and I didn't bring my phone out on Saturday. I was still thinking why you never come out with us and Kelly had her boo boo so I kinda of had all my concentration was on her that day. We still keep mentioning about u. Why are you not here? I still wanna con you to make mooncakes with us. We are a perfect square. We must all fall in to make the square complete. Else it will feel funny de. Really. Everyone of us is equally important de. To me at least.

colour my world/ 3:35 AM/ 0 comments