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Pay it forward

Have you guys watch this movie before?

Pay it forward by Haley Joel Osment, the small young boy with a big simple idea how to make this world a better place by bringing happiness forward to people without expecting anything back in return. The theory is very simple, it all starts with you. Its like the passing ball game, you touched the ball and you pass it to the next person in line and it will goes on and on and on.. but this time, its not just one ball. Like you do someone a nice favour or even simply by greeting the stranger in the lift. Probably it might not be anything great, but trust me.. It will make the reciever feels that "hmmm.. today might not be such a bad day afterall" and so in turn the reciever will pass the ball to the next person.

Mb alot of people will think.. hey, it doesn't really concern me.. why should i bother.. But ever heard this saying? What goes around comes around? You might not be directly benefiting from what you have done.. But if everyone carry this tot in them, wouldn't it be more people being nicer to you and makes this world a better and less cold place to stay in?

But bearing in mind again and again and again, after attending a very valuable lesson in life, know how to draw your lines.. its not just a simple task of a pencil and a ruler. No one ask you to be insensitive,selfish or unfeeling, but nv do things that will make you feel taken advantage of.

Somehow i regretted learning it too late.

colour my world/ 6:43 PM/ 0 comments