Moi realised two things about people around moif today.
1) Je suis le celebrity. There are paparazzis in moi office building watching moi every movement..
2) Moi poulet no care about me.. Haiz..
As per today's conversation:-
Poulet says:
u breed mosquotes huh?
Moi says:
Moi says:
no hor.. I keep clean one hor..
Poulet says:
haha...maybe u go see snapshots u on Stomp le...
Poulet says:
Moi says:
Moi says:
Poulet says:
Moi says:
(*names have been changed to protect the individual's privacy)
What kind of poulet is this.. Jin cham leh.. U see lah got this kind of poulet..
It all started with my colleague telling me that the whole building knows that Moi plant a small potted plant. Even outsiders also ask my colleague "她有在种花?"
... Moi didn't know.. My plant also can attract so much awareness.. Hmmm.. Wanna take a look at my plant?

That time also.. Moi was telling my boss about that freak car accident.. and my boss mistook that Moi had run over a bird..
The very Next Day.. My lift caretaker told me.. 小妹妹不要怕。只是一只鸟。:S and my old time neighbour ask my boss aiyoh.. why your employee cry till so badly.. She loves birds alot har? URGH!!!! MOI HATE BIRDS..
Hmmm.. Looks like Moi gotta buy more hats and sunglasses now.. Also gotta read more of the Infamous Fruit Magazine.. See how those celebrities disguise themselves.. Then Moi must walk with wind leh.. Also hor.. Moi must know how to block half of my face with my hand and how to scrowl into cameraz.. Also, must look out for pin hole cameraz..
Hmmm.. So did Moi ever say that my life is boring.. From the look at things now, Moi wouldn't think so..