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Moi: What do you write in blogs? Write Diary izzit?? Wait people will see right?

Poulet K: No lah.. Anything lor.. But you cannot put those slandering or those political matters on it.. Wait kena sue..

Moi: Har.. I dunno how to take those sexy sexy pose pics leh.. and i dun really know how to use camera. My life isn't interesting.. I dun1 2 be the 4th xia xue (cos someone already claim the 2nd n 3rd liao) wait people everyday come and visit my blog, then i mah jin busy.. have to return all their comments..

Poulet K: ...

Moi: :D Hee~*

So why would Moi want a blog? Cos everyone has one.. So Moi must have one! *Waahhaha

colour my world/ 10:44 PM/ 1 comments