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I learnt something new everyday Part 3.


When did it all started? What inspired this tool? Have you notice how the peacock always use its magnificent tail to draw its best mate? Have you notice how Mother Nature use the magic wand of colours and smell to announce the arrival of spring? Advertising is a tool that allows you to blow your own trumpet. It allows you to seek attention from others.

It dated as far back as a few hundred or even thousand years BC. Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome used papyrus to advertise products and ideas. Modern advertising only takes on its true colour during the Printing Age in 15th and 16th Century. During 17th Century, it appears on newspapers and in the 1920s, radio stations start functioning and soon it become a medium. In the late 1940s, television join in as well. Now we experience advertising 24 hours a day because of the Internet.

How has advertising affect you and your buying habits?

colour my world/ 8:40 PM/ 0 comments