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My Two New Friends

One day , my brother came dashing into the office and told us that there are two dogs just outside our office!! So cute right???? This is the smaller size doggie.. Woof Woof! The bigger size puppy refused to come near to us.. Seems like they have been through alot. Heard from the security guard that they were bitten with metal rods and wooden poles.

Grow bigger and taller as the days goes by..

Sniff Sniff.. Food must be around the corner.

Not that we wanna put the food on the ground.. We feed them with plates..YET they push everything out from the plates.. and eat on the ground..

They are very playful by nature but heard that the stupid tenants opp our blocks do not like them due to religion so they will hit them with rods and poles. There was once the tenants kick the bigger dog off the lorry. WAH.. IDIOT!!! IF I SAW THE EPISODE I WILL TELL THEM LOR.. "U DO THAT ONE MORE TIME, I KICK U OFF THE LORRY and call SPCA to send u back to your country." The two pitiful things used to hide in one corner and just lay there the whole day. Seems like we have gotten their trust now. Now our walkway becomes their house and they will play catch and "JOG" with us.
NOW the issue is.. Nobody wants them now. Their original owners push them to us. We are quite trapped actually. SHALL we keep them? We do not want to throw them away in the stray. I heard that SPCA bring them back and put them to sleep and feed the tigers and lions in the ZOO? Yet we do not dare to keep them as OURS as its their lifelong commitment. The chances of them being adopted semms quite low as they are blackies and female. Yet as the days goes by, we grew more and more attached to them.
I guess we will try to care and feed them as long as fate permits. One day, should they decided to leave this ground, we will let them go.

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