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Fleur Fleur

I never thought getting a hand bouquet was so difficult. I mean what can be so difficult to just choose those flowers that you like and wrapped them up right? WRONG! The flowers should match with your dress size. Not too big if the sihoulette is slim, Not too small if your dress is big and flowy.. Should be subtlely attracting your attention yet not overshadowing your dress and most important, yourself. And what's more, it has to match with your venue theme... Colours, shape, size.. what's else! So you pick your hand bouquet first and YOU have to co-ordinate your venue flowers to suit the hand bouquet.. You would want the total look to flow seamlessly right?

So when I arranged to see the florist, I tot hey, how long can it be? The most half an hour would be more than sufficient to choose everything so I happily set the next appointment just an hour later than the florist. WAH.. GOODNESS.. The florist took out every flowers that he had in the shop and show me and match and match and match.. wah.. my legs wanna break liao.. And he uses all those "greek" names to describe some flowers that he do not carry in the store. Seriously, I do not quite understand what he wanna show us. In the end, I just leave everything to his hands. He is the professional, he should be at a better position to tell me what is best for me!

Ivan like this. I am quite alright except the raffian strings.. too raw for me I guess.

I like this. I always like the combo of white and green.

Looks like some country side bouquet.

My favourite!

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colour my world/ 8:42 PM/ 0 comments