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My nanny

I was going through my old pile of photos for the montage and I found this photo. The lady in the picture is my nanny. My nanny took care of me and my sister while we are just toddlers.

I remembered that she had a dog call Maggie.

I remembered that I always watched indian serial with her in the afternoons.

I remembered that I could speak a good command of Cantonese.

I remembered my chinese name was given by Yi Qiong 阿姨。

I remembered she always call my sister "fen fen"

I remembered the room that the three of us shared while waiting for our own house to be set up.

I remembered the "var-na-kam" from the indian news host at 6pm. To me, it's the happiest word at that time cos that means my parents were coming soon.

Suddenly I remembered alot of things that seems forgotten.

Its amazing how a little ole photo can revive your faded memories.

colour my world/ 7:35 PM/ 0 comments