PS: Photoshoot
A gift from a stranger.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Kel's Birthday. We were early so we went over to timber for some drinks and wait for everyone to fall in. I seriously think that timber secretly add more alchohol in their wine. We just had one bottle and all of us has the (as kenneth had said) right GAY FEELING.

Guess why Ivan has this sheepish look? He want to order pizza for us!! Just before our birthday dinner and its just the 3 of us!

We all look abit sheepish and drunk right? Its the timber wine!!!!
The Story of Two Friends
Two good Arabian friends were travelling through the desert. Without any particular reasons, the two of them got into a quarrel. One of them slapped his friend right across the face. His friend in a fit of anger took out a stick and scribble in the sand these few words."My friend had slapped me today."
Although feeling sore about the quarrel, the two friends still moved on together.Few days later as they were travelling through the mountains, the two of them met robbers. Although still feeling sore about the quarrel, the two of them still ferociously fought to protect each other. Touched by his gesture, his friend took out his sword and engraved on the stones"My friend saved my life today."
Puzzled by his friend's actions, he asked " Why did you do that?"
His friend told him "When someone hurt me, I wrote on the sand so the wind can easily blow it away but when someone do me a good deed, I should engrave it on the stones so that it will not be easily forgotten."
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Fake Lashes

Few days back, I commented to kelly during my trial make up, the make up artist used a set of lashes that made my eyes look lopsided.
Yday, my dear girl brought so many sets of different types for me to try.
Perhaps others might think that I drama rama again but its such a sweet gesture for me.
Perhaps this word is very understated in modern city life but Hey, THANKS!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Icing on the cake
Someone told me this last night.
"Not everyone wants icing on their cake. Of course, cakes with icing is prettier but that doesnt mean that others mind receiving a cake without it. You are always rushing around preparing icing on the cake because you think other people will like it. Well. nobody will mind having icing on top cos its prettier but then again that doesn't mean other people has to give you a cake with icing"
"I am not saying you are wrong but your own happiness does not rely on other people's actions. You cannot control other people's actions but you can control your own. Most wedding can only happen once but if you let other people's actions affect it, wouldn't it be forever be your regret?"
Why it always take me so long to realise things when all it takes is just 5 mins for him.?
Monday, March 01, 2010
Good vs Bad
What goes around doesn't mean neccessary that it will come back around.