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I learnt something new everyday Part 3.


When did it all started? What inspired this tool? Have you notice how the peacock always use its magnificent tail to draw its best mate? Have you notice how Mother Nature use the magic wand of colours and smell to announce the arrival of spring? Advertising is a tool that allows you to blow your own trumpet. It allows you to seek attention from others.

It dated as far back as a few hundred or even thousand years BC. Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome used papyrus to advertise products and ideas. Modern advertising only takes on its true colour during the Printing Age in 15th and 16th Century. During 17th Century, it appears on newspapers and in the 1920s, radio stations start functioning and soon it become a medium. In the late 1940s, television join in as well. Now we experience advertising 24 hours a day because of the Internet.

How has advertising affect you and your buying habits?

colour my world/ 8:40 PM/ 0 comments

I learnt something new everyday Part 2

Idiom: Run a rain check

Rain check: This expression was said to originate from open air market transactions where significant rain would usually require a vendor to pack up and leave. This term is also based on issuing of tickets to claim on property at a later time. Before 1889, if any US Baseball match was cancelled due to rain, they will issue new tickets for the postponed match. Abner Power add a detachable stub to the ticket on that year. That stub is called Rain Check. From that year onwards, it quickly became the standard practice among the major leagues.

In present times, people use it as a polite way to turn down an invitation with the implication that another time would be possible.

colour my world/ 5:09 PM/ 0 comments

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I learnt something new everyday Part 1

Lamb, Sheep, Goat and Mutton

A Lamb is the young of a sheep and lamb can be used to describe the meat of a young sheep (generally at the age of 1 years old).

Female sheep is call a ewe or dam. A male sheep with testicles is called a ram, buck or tup. Sometimes, they are also called "intact". You get the drift right? Those castrated male sheeps are call wether.

" Why do we need to castrate male sheeps? Ram lambs grow faster than ewe and wether lambs and when ram lambs are marketed at a young age (less than 5-6 months), commercial lamb buyers usually do not discriminate in price. It is more difficult to remove the pelt (skin) from a ram lamb, especially one that has started to develop secondary sex characteristics. Ram lambs that cannot be marketed by the time they are six months old should be castrated.

On the other hand, wether lambs are easier to manage and eliminate the possibilities of early and/or unwanted pregnancies. When ram lambs are kept intact, it is necessary to wean and separate them from their dams and female pen (or pasture) mates by the time they are 4 months of age. If this cannot be done, ram lambs should be castrated.

Male lambs sold for grazing or as pets should be castrated as they will be easier to manage."

Lamb, hogget, and mutton are the meat of sheep. The meat of an animal in its first year is lamb; that of an older sheep is hogget and later mutton.

The meat of a young goat is call kid or cabrito and meat of an older goat is called chevon or mutton (some parts of the world like in singapore.)

Female goats are referred to as does or nannies, intact males as bucks or billies; their offspring are kids. Castrated males are wethers.

How to differentiate between a goat and a sheep. Although they have many similiarities but they are two distinct different families.

1) Sheep has 54 chromosomes and goat has 60. So although occasionally they might cross breed but fertile hybrid sheep-goat are rare.

2) Sheep's tail hangs down and goat's tail point up!

3) Goat are natural browers that prefer to eat leaves, twigs, vines and shrubs. Sheeps are grazer that prefer to eat short tender grasses or clovers.

4) Goat are more independent and curious. Sheeps are more distant and aloof. Sheeps likes to flock together in a group and would be very agitated if they are seperated.

5) Most goats have hair coats that do not require shearing or combing. Most sheep grow wool and need to be sheared annually. Sheep have an upper lip that is divided by a distinct philtrum (groove). The goat does not. Male goats have glands beneath their tail. Sheep have face or tear glands beneath their eyes and foot or scent glands between the toes. Male goats develop a distinct odor as they grow; sexually mature rams have much less of an odor.

6) Most goats naturally have horns. Some goats have beards. Many breeds of sheep are naturally hornless (polled). Some sheep have manes. Goat horns are more narrow, upright, and less curved than sheep horns. Sheep tend to curl their horns in loops on the sides of their heads.

colour my world/ 8:01 PM/ 0 comments

I learnt something new everyday.

I thought of something yday night..

I was talking to one of my business associates and he works as a bio-medical engineer. It has been years since I knew him and I never asked what does a bio-medical engineer does. He explained he services and maintains all those scopes, x-ray machines and equipments used in Operating Theatres to keep them running on good condition. Hmmm.. Yah.. I never thought of that before. Who actually keep these machines running. So thats what a bio-medical engineer does. I told him.. "Hmm.. I learnt something new today!"

So I decided to do a "I learnt something new everyday blog" which I would write down the new things that I learnt everyday.

So what have you learn today?

colour my world/ 7:50 PM/ 0 comments

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tea Cup Set

Our wedding gift from Chai and his family
Thanks, Chai

colour my world/ 6:21 PM/ 0 comments

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

"Next time you and ivan the same thing"

Now I know why Ivan always said I care TOO MUCH.

Misinterpret people's good intentions: I told you about the group outing because I do not want to make you feel left out.

Misinterpret people's good intentions: I asked you not to bring your baby along because the atmosphere is not very suitable for your kid.

Misinterpret people's good intentions: I do not know and do not care what other people have been saying or thinking about you. I didn't ask you to keep dumping your kid with your wife. Also, I never say your wife is not doing anything. Please do not bring your wife and MY HUSBAND into the picture. You do not need to tell me that your wife has done alot. I do not need to know because its your family issue. I only give that suggestion when you said you are coming for awhile. So since its just awhile, why don't your wife help you take care for awhile. Wouldn't that be the best scenario for everyone? And do not compare me and Ivan, more than often we work things out together sensibly. DO NOT ALWAYS THINK PEOPLE ARE PICKING ON YOU. You are not the centre of my universe. Nobody is so free to always pick on you.

Misinterpret my good intentions: I do not want you to carry on doing such actions and then always let people "sing" behind your back. SO i am telling you nicely that it will be rude to do that. Its not WE DO NOT UNDERSTAND. We had been always making concessions for you if you do not notice. We understand your commitments. WE might not be parents yet but we all do know how to set a good example to our kids next time.

My life is extremely interesting on its own. I do not have the extra time or effort to poke my nose into your life and comment about it.

Yes I care too much. I always care about your feelings and I do not see that coming from you.

Think before you speak. Mince before you think you wanna spit.

colour my world/ 11:09 PM/ 0 comments