Ovariohysterectomy is the medical term for spaying a female dog or cat. The procedure consists of surgical removal of the ovaries and utreus. This procedure is usually used to prevent unneccessary pregnancy. In addition to prevent the dogs or cats from getting pregnant and heat periods, spayed dogs and cats have less health consideration than un-spayed dogs and cats,Yday, Blackie went for it. She looks like she is very in pain. Suddenly Blackie dun seems so black as her name is. She looks like of white to me.
Marley @ 2 Months old

This was the reason why we fall in love with them and they came to stay with us. Marley@ 2 Months
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
On my 29th Birthday
I am writing this blog 4 days shy of my 29
th Year on Mother Earth.
I never had guess that my first birthday wishes was from someone that i had not seen for a long time. When she gave me a kiss online, it feels so good.
Ha ha u must be thinking I must be sicko or drama again right? But its that kind of feeling when u feel that someone actually bothers. Most of the time its me who bothers seldom the other way round.
Also, my first present was from the terror of my household. This was the first time he bought something for me. ON HIS OWN. The reason why I am so happy is not because he got me this gift but rather because this is the first time he actually bothers. From young, he promised me this promised me that making me so happy and gullible that I always dote on him extra. But he must add some remarks like "
didn't know so expensive. If I know so expensive, i then wouldn't buy." This kind of brother. =_=
They said.. Simple
genuine gestures can touch your heart. Its true.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Goodie News
Finally something good comes around.
I am really very happy! :D
Monday, October 05, 2009

VIP decided to make a guest appearance.
In the end, we end up not having enough drinks because we thought the VIP will go and buy. Instead the VIP said that because they were running late, so they cannot buy. Erm.. how late can they be when they were just here to eat? Its not like they were meeting us to prepare the food. And, we have to clear up after their mess because their status is different now. They just eat and go.
Kelly, next time remind me to shut up and dun be kind. And do not invite VIP. I do not need to be Ms Personality.
I am very busy too. I am not free. Period.