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Mid Year Check For Resolution 2007

My Resolution for Year 2007

1) Quit Smoking - Attained 58Days of Smoke Free

2) Save More Money - Fail. Fail. Fail.

3) Exercise Regularly - Done Fairly Well.

4) Go for a holiday at the End of this year - Not yet.

5) Clear Emotional Baggage - Yup Yup Yup

6) Less Drinking 2007 - Yesh! Yesh! Yesh!

7) Start a New Hobby - Bags Bags Bags.. :p

8) Be More Patient - Hmmm... 50-50. I still can't stand nonsensical stuff..

9) Tidy Rooms and Tables - Attained

10) Be Happy Dun Worry! - 50%

Out of the 10 resolutions, Moi attained 7 of them.. Not bad for a mid year! Now I need to work very hard for No.2 to attain No. 4..

colour my world/ 2:02 AM/ 0 comments